For several weeks during this past summer, our local parks and open spaces have been closed, due to the extreme drought here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The city has finally opened back up after a few rain storms, and I’ve taken this opportunity to get back outdoors and get some shooting in.
Diana and I walked through the Bosque, in Albuquerque, snapping portraits. I let her borrow my big “flompy” black hat which proved to be too much fun. I don’t often use “props” with photography, but in this case, we couldn’t resist. The hat fit her personality and looked fabulous! I suppose we’re now ready for the horse races!
Last but not least, here is a strip of square shots taken from (believe it or not) my iPhone 4.
I used the Hipstamatic App to shoot these photos and had a ton of fun doing it. This is not my typical style of photography as I try to stay away from the overprocessed/overdone “toy camera” look, but from a creative standpoint, these are fun. Don’t worry, I’m not quite ready to sell my big camera set up… yet.